• The exhibition Digits and Numbers consists of artworks characterized by a slightly disturbed symmetry, reminiscent of a quote from memory: how often do we misspeak when repeating a sentence we have heard? 
  • Repetition often allows us to recognize difference: two sculptures by Nancy Lupo, entitled Teller and Reteller respectively, share a concept but a different date of creation (2018, 2019); Niklas Taleb’s photographs show the seemingly same home interior but the titles of the works (1995 XIII Instrumentals and 1996 IV) suggest a distance in time, a year of difference (perhaps the second element is just a black and white reconstruction of the first?). Wojciech BÄ…kowski’s video Times (2019) consists of several scenes, “exercises” in image/sound editing, each of which refers to a specific time of day or date. The final sequence shows walking between windows of an apartment, as well as between the daytime and nighttime. It is close to the installation Metronome Light (2022) by Jesse Stecklow, which ironically (and accurately) measures the time between “before” and “after”.
  • The exhibition itself is arranged according to multiple axes, organized in such a way that walking around it resembles going through different rooms, or getting lost as in a hall of mirrors. Tild Greene’s Like The Words From A Strong Arched Roof Mouth (2019-2022) provides a counterpoint to the schizophrenic whole: the salmon-skin waistcoat has no lookalike but suggests the possibility of a change of identity, or at least a point of view from which the same whole would look completely different.