Metamorphosis. Art in Europe Now
The work of Piotr Łakomy explores the relationship of sculpture to the human body, architecture, and the environment. Influenced by the rationalism of Le Corbusier and the biomorphism of Frederick Kiesler, the artist uses both organic and industrial materials in his work. For the Fondation Cartier, he has created a sculpture that plays with the transparency of Jean Nouvel’s building. Composed of two elements mounted discreetly in a corner, the sculpture appears to grow from the inside of the gallery out into the garden. These two segments have the same underlying metallic structures based on the dimensions of Le Cobusier’s Modulor, an anthropometric scale of proportions used for the design of architectural elements. Over these structures, the artist has folded panels of aluminum honeycomb—a material used in the aerospace and construction industries—in a way that suggests a natural formation. By including ostrich eggs in his work, the artist refers to the sphere as a fundamental architectural form and as a shelter for life.
- Metamorphosis. Art in Europe Now
- Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris
- Gabriel Abrantes, Magnus Andersen, Evgeny Antufiev, Charlie Billingham, Kasper Bosmans, Formafantasma, Benjamin Graindorge, Miryam Haddad, Klára Hosnedlová, Nika Kutateladze, Piotr Łakomy, Lap-See Lam, Kostas Lambridis, Kris Lemsalu, George Rouy, John Skoog, Tenant of Culture, Alexandros Vasmoulakis, Marion Verboom, Jonathan Vinel, Raphaela Vogel
- Curator: Thomas Delamarre assisted by Sidney Gérard
- Associate curator: Leanne Sacramone assisted by Sonia Digianantonio
- Conservation Assistant: Beatriz Forti and Alix Laraignou